- Consult with your accountant and bank manager for advice specific to your practice
- RACGP advice - available to members and non members
- General Practice specific advice provides a summary of government COVID-19 financial assistance and how these can be utilised in general practice
- managing financial resources, with a separate guide is available
- PHN resources
- COVID-19 Business Resources - Hunter Business Chamber
- NSW Government site - good for patients as well
Recent fee rates
- 2 Apr - Workcover fees - advice from SIRA is that fees are the same for Telehealth as if for a FTF consult.
- 30 Mar - MBS fees
- 30 Mar 20 Word document with dollar values
- 30 Mar 20 Excel document with dollar values
- 30 Mar 20 Word document with dollar values
- Pathology fees - there is variance in private pathology fees, $100 fee has been paid for covid-19 testing. Possibly a consequence of not meeting the testing criteria and not having a medicare card.
Direct links to HealthPathway COVID-19 Pages (Pathway most relevant to this topic is underlined)